Bishnumoti Aawashiyo Secondary School was established in the year 2048 B.S. and its +2 program has started from 2062 B.S. for the purpose of imparting quality education. More than three decodes of BST is devoted to cater the education by visualizing every child with their dire possibilities of doing innovation in the life ahead. BST provides unparalled education. May it be in school level, may it be in different disciplines of +2 or may it be in bachelor level, we strive for excellence.
In the 30 years of the school’s establishment, we have achieved the marvelous results both in academic as well as extra-curricular activities. We do not believe only in educating the children about the textbooks, we rather believe in facilitating them from the multiple aspects of life.
We think education is o road to march for the competency of the learners where they can find themselves in the comfortable zone to learn even in any sort of complexities. So, it is to empower them. It is our attempt to travel in the new course of practicality, creativity and productivity.
We believe in valuing children from multiple aspects. The tasks, we perform in volume, less mutters than that of the task we strive for the value. So, we pursue the value in the every deeds either that is in the classroom or beyond the classroom. Either that is in personal life or professional, the value is counted precious ever.